Are you interested in using the TORFL test in your Institution?
Russian language testing is a critical component of the recruitment and admissions process for numerous organizations and higher education institutions. TORFL offers accurate, reliable assessments with fast results, enabling organizations to redefine their Russian language testing standards. By becoming a TORFL agent, you can expand your portfolio of services, providing clients with a trusted solution for their language proficiency needs.
Recognized Worldwide
The TORFL test is the most prominent and widely recognized Russian language proficiency exam, essential for admission to leading associations and institutes of higher education. Accurate, reliable, and delivering rapid results, TORFL tests can help you attract and retain more customers by meeting their language certification needs.
Easy to administer
After completing the initial training and meeting all prerequisites, the new center will be fully equipped to administer the test easily and professionally
Our Support
Our partners will receive assistance throughout all phases of training and preparation to ensure they can administer the test while meeting all prerequisites and conducting it comfortably and professionally.
Become an official TORFL (Test of Russian as a Foreign Language) Test Center in your area
Whether you are a school, university, Russian language center, or another organization, you can benefit yourself and others by administering TORFL tests